Do you dare challenge Albert Einstein?

February 27, 2010

Albert Einstein – 1879 – 1955. He is considered one of the greatest minds there ever was in physics. His theories are considered some of the greatest achievements in human thought. His theories have been apparently rigorously proven and reproved, cornerstones of western physics. He is an idol to many, and most people would refuse to think otherwise solely based on the fact that everyone loves to follow the crowd. Not many will give this article fair consideration because emotions will cloud logical thought, however there will be some that dare to question the norm.

The magnitude of a scientific achievement can be graded on its impact on the world, the REAL world. What does Einstein have to offer anyone besides theories. What has he done for the world? He only has theories. He did not even actually invent the atomic bomb. All he did was “discover”, “describe” and somehow “revolutionize” . You would expect the greatest minds to have made an impact on the way we live – our quality of life. Tesla invented AC, the current that runs through your house. Tesla invented the AC motor, powering a large percentage of  motorized equipment. Tesla developed efficient power distribution systems that feed your homes today. Tesla even developed radio communications. He envisioned television and indirectly discovered phenomena such as X-rays on his path. Yet he doesn’t have half the credit Einstein has. But Why? Has society been brainwashed into thinking Einstein’s theories are actually useful? It’s actually quite sad. All they do lately is repeatedly “prove” Einstein’s theories over and over again. Are they in denial? Shouldn’t a theory at some point stop being “proven” and be put to use – if it has a use… There are so many paradoxes in Einstein’s theories that its a miracle that its become so entrenched in physics today, let alone survived superficial scrutiny. This is probably because most members of the scientific community are blind followers of what their superiors preach.

First we will take a brief look at what exactly his theory actually entails. For some this will be the first time they ever understand what Einstein was trying to say since they took his supposed intellect and theories for granted since everyone else was doing the same. These are just some of the paradoxes in his theories.

According to Einstein a body will shorten in the direction of movement as it increases in speed. He also said that mass increases with speed. This presents an interesting paradox. At the speed of light a ball is then supposed to have zero thickness and infinite mass. This is not physically possible therefore that statement is incorrect.

Einstein also stated that time could be slowed down and sped up. Time does not have physical reality. It is a concept to keep track of a sequence of events, nothing more. You cannot slow down or speed up something that does not even exist in the first place, therefore his theory is incorrect again. If this is not convincing enough then think about the steps needed to create a time travel device with multiple levels of detail so that an actual model can be built and engineered. One will come up with nothing (maybe more theories) because it’s not physically possible. With time travel we could violate the laws of conservation of energy by shuttling energy from the past to the present.


Many free energy inventors believe that they can violate the laws of conservation of energy. The is untrue. We really live in a sea of energy and their devices tap the kinetic energy of the ethers or tap into the sea of electrons in which we live. Violating the conversation of energy laws means that something can come from nothing which is impossible since they are opposites.

Einstein said that the speed of light is the speed limit of the universe. Why? Did anyone bother to ask why? Well someone did and the answer was that mass was infinity at the speed of light so nothing could go faster. That doesn’t solve anything. All it does is shift the focus to a new problem. Now I ask why does mass increase with speed? No answer. Also, if something has infinite mass at the speed of light then why does light itself not have infinite mass. Our daring physicists have come to the rescue by saying that light has no mass! If light had no mass then it would have no inertia. If it had no inertia, then it would not be able to displace electrons as per the photoelectric effect or even bounce off a surface. Therefore a photon does have mass. Anything that has mass obeys the fundamental laws of mechanics. His concept is incorrect here again and there should be no reason something can not go faster than the speed of light.

Einstein said that light’s velocity is an independent value. This means that if I shone a torch, those photons would be going the same relative speed as the photons coming from a torch in a moving vehicle. This violates the fundamental laws of mechanics and suggests that light is disconnected from the phenomenon producing it. This violates Newton’s laws of action and reaction, a fundamental universal law. Therefore this statement is incorrect too.

It was ironic that Einstein denied the existence of an ether since the transverse theory of light depends on it. A wave is a disturbance pattern in a certain medium. Light can travel through space so what medium exists there? No air or water as a medium to carry a wave, but an ether!

Einstein stated that E = MC^2. This is apparently one of his greatest achievements since the atomic bomb makes a really big bang so it must be right. Wrong!. To understand why the E = MC^2 equation is incorrect we must first understand what energy and mass are. Mass is physical matter, occupying 3 dimensional space. Energy is motion of mass. That’s why E = 1/2.M.V^2. How can mass become motion of mass? That’s like saying apples can become bananas. They are completely different things.

One of Einstein’s most illogical propositions was the existence of spacetime. Space is nothingness and time is not physical so its like saying he proposed the existence of “nothing-not-real”, while insinuating it was completely real. How did he keep a straight face? He said that the shape of this spacetime affected a wide variety of things. How can nothing have a shape? Space is a vacuum, a vacuum cannot have form or shape since only matter can have shape. It would be impossible to imagine otherwise. Spacetime or “nothing-not-real” is also somehow holding us to the surface of our Earth. If it is then why can we not detect it with simple experiments. If it interacts with matter, then by the law of action and reaction, matter should be able to easily interact with it.

The reason Einstein’s theory has stood the test of time so long is because it has been apparently reproved so many times. Multiple interpretations can be placed on all of those results. When a person wants to believe something so badly they will be convinced by anything. In order to realize a better physical understanding Einstein’s illogical concepts need to be immediately abandoned. They have done nothing for the real world and won’t be doing anything anytime soon.

The problem with conventional physics

February 11, 2010

If you’re here then you’re probably at the same place I was a few years ago. The realization that conventional physics just doesn’t make the cut. Sure they can impress you with their profound mathematical equations and giant particle accelerators, but what does it actually mean in reality. Conventional science claims to be able to explain everything, but all they really end up doing is tacking names on and superficially describing various phenomena. When it comes to an actual cause and fundamental explanation of the inner workings of even a simple phenomenon, scientists are at a loss for words.

For example, we’ve been living on Earth for a very long time and we’ve experienced this force every single day of our lives. The force I am talking about is non other than gravity. Modern day science, with all their profound achievements has absolutely no explanation as to the workings of gravity. All they have is a formula that may or may not be correct. Einstein then came along and suggested that gravity is caused by “the curvature of space time”. What does that even mean? Is he suggesting that space and time are somehow one? Time is just a symbolic representation of change. It has no physical reality. And by “curvature” does he suggest space and time actually have a shape!!?? What kind of nonsense is this? Space is nothingness, a formless void, suggesting that it has some kind of a shape or that it is connected to a symbol that does not even have physical reality is the ultimate form of irrationality. Even if this nonsense were to be true, it would raise more questions than would be solved. What is “space time” made out of? Why does the presence of matter cause it to curve? If it is somehow pressing us to the surface of the earth like a giant blanket, then why can we not even detect it. Simple. Because it does not exist. Science is quick to deny the existence of an ether, yet they unquestioningly accept that nothing can have a shape, interact with matter and still not be detected. I am at a loss for words as to how these discrepancies have gone unaddressed in the academic world.

Now we will examine the photon or the light particle. It is logical to say that photons do exist. Many logical experiments have confirmed their existence and their conclusions are mostly valid about the photon. Scientists will have you believe that photons are created when electrons in an atom “jump” to lower levels or shells. This creates a new enigma. Where did the photon come from? How did a subtle electron movement cause a photon to be emitted and where did it come from in the first place? Something can never come from nothing. Any amount of nothing is still nothing no matter what is said. Unfortunately yet again their explanation is sadly lacking…

The magnetic field. Elusively simple, yet if you ask a physicist what a magnetic field is he will skirt around the actual question and give you an indirect description of what it does. What is a magnetic field made of? It must be made of something since it is there, but physics can not even answer that! How does a magnetic field pass through some elements and not through others? All these questions, but no answers.

The works of Roger Bacon, Karl Von Reichenbach, Tesla, Moray, Wilhelm Reich, Viktor Schauberger. They are all there, elusive and unexplained because science just does not have the theory to explain it. They bury it and cover it up like everything else they can’t explain. Unfortunately for them, there is no more room in this world for their attitude! Tesla spoke of a luminiferous ether. It exists and basic experiments confirm it, yet science blindly denies it because that’s all they can afford to do at the moment.

Anyone believing in the supernatural has to automatically deny the validity of conventional physics simply because conventional physics has no explanation yet again. In fact this applies to any religious person too. Ironically they deny its existence and pretend it’s not even there just because they can not explain it. It seems science is more concerned with maintaining the status quo than doing actual scientific research.Interestingly only someone who has lived a completely sheltered life has any grounds on which to deny the supernatural. Anyone else is deluding themselves. Is it really logical to assume when you die there is nothingness eternal? This is what beloved conventional physics is saying. Any religious conventional physicist is the ultimate of all hypocrites. Phenomena such as reincarnation are being constantly reproved, but all it takes is some “smart” man in front of a desk, armed with an incomplete theory to deny it. People are recalling intricate details about their past lives and even visiting the places where they once lived and recalling details about their former families with inexplicable accuracy.

And now we will look at the ultimate farce in the history of science. The Big Bang Theory. This “theory” suggests that there was once nothing, a formless infinite void. There was possibly a coin-sized object floating around in this vastness for no reason. It randomly exploded with infinite intensity containing a condensed form of all matter in the physical universe. All life then just happened by complete chance.  Yea right. I guess this coin-sized object must have been “above” the “laws” of conventional physics since its properties and origin go completely unaccounted for.

Its time to wake up. If we hope to evolve in any further way, we have to realize that many of the fundamentals of science are invalid and that a new science has to be fabricated that will indeed have the power to explain EVERYTHING with one simple, logical theory. Luckily such a theory has already been developed and I will have the pleasure of explaining it to you in full detail in the following weeks. However, in the following articles we will first examine the flaws of conventional physics in great depth so perspective can be gained on just how bad things really are at the moment.